Frequently Asked Questions


What is AwayPay?

AwayPay is a platform designed to enhance how you manage and access your travel allowances. Its core function is to advance your allowances upon landing, either in AUD or local currency, allowing you to enjoy your downtime more effectively. AwayPay also includes additional features for a comprehensive experience, with plans to introduce more in the future. Our goal is to engage with the AwayPay and aviation community to focus on what you want most from the platform.

How does AwayPay work?

AwayPay operates on multiple levels. Firstly, we capture your roster to present your upcoming trips and forecast allowances in a user-friendly way via our web app. For those using the AwayPay Now service, our system automatically tracks your roster and each flight live to accurately determine your allowance entitlement. When you touch down, our system recalculates your allowances, converts them into local currency at the interbank rate, and sends them directly to your chosen account. (Note: Currently, we can only convert and send foreign currency to Revolut users. Please see the exclusive offer on our homepage for a 3-month free Revolut Premium trial.)

Who can use AwayPay?

Currently, AwayPay Basic is open to all Qantas Long Haul Pilots and Cabin Crew. The system was designed to help long-haul crew access their allowances immediately, rather than wait up to six weeks for payroll in arrears. It also assists crew in managing their allowances through automated currency conversion.

Is AwayPay free to use?

AwayPay Basic is free to use. You will have access to the web app and all its current features, except for allowance advancement. AwayPay Now is currently limited to a trial group, with plans to open it to all users in the near future. A small transaction fee will apply for allowance advancement, with allowances recovered in line with payroll.

Account Setup

How do I sign up for AwayPay?

Simply click on the sign-up button at the top of this page and follow the steps to activate your account. Once your account is set up and activated, you will receive an email from us with instructions to follow our setup guide to import your roster. That's it! You're now ready to enjoy the benefits of AwayPay.

What should I do if I don't receive the confirmation email?

If you don't receive an email from us, please contact us at

How do I activate my AwayPay account?

You will receive an email with an activation link during the sign-up process. After following this link, you will receive a further email from us instructing you to import your roster. Please allow up to 12 hours for us to verify your identity and add your details to our system.

Using AwayPay

How do I import my roster into AwayPay?

Please refer to the setup guide for instructions on how to import your roster.

How can I keep my roster up-to-date in AwayPay?

The setup guide also provides instructions on how to ensure your roster remains up-to-date.

What if I'm a RosterSMS user?

Qantas only allows one email address to be used in WebCIS. RosterSMS has added a secondary email address field within their settings to forward your roster to AwayPay. Please follow the alternative steps in our setup guide to configure this.

What features does AwayPay offer?

AwayPay offers two services: AwayPay Basic and AwayPay Now. Our Basic service is free and includes all features of Now, except for the early advancement of allowances upon touchdown. By signing up for AwayPay, you can view your upcoming and previous patterns with associated allowances, and see a list of who else will be in port at the same time. Core features are highlighted on the home page.

How do I view who will be in port?

The dashboard is designed to show you who will be in port at your next destination. To view allowance or who’s in port details for other flights, simply click on the pattern card you're interested in, then click on the specific flight within that pattern to view all the details for that sector and arrival port.

Why can't I see everyone in port?

The Who’s in Port feature will only show other active AwayPay users with the feature enabled. To make the most of this feature, you can encourage your friends and colleagues to sign up and join the community.

What if I don't want my movements or location made public?

The Who’s in Port feature is a peer-to-peer service that shows AwayPay users who will be in port at the same time as them. If you don’t want your information made public, navigate to your profile page by clicking on your name and toggle off the Who’s in Port switch. This will make your location invisible to all users but will also disable the feature for you.

How do I change my profile picture?

You can change your profile picture by navigating to your profile page and clicking on the image icon. You can then select an image from your device or take a photo.

Why do my allowances not match exactly to my payslip?

We do our best to calculate the most accurate allowance details as per your relevant enterprise agreement. We currently use third-party services to track flights and block times. These times can sometimes be slightly different from the actual aircraft block times, resulting in small discrepancies. We hope to work closer with Qantas in the future to access the actual aircraft times for even more accurate allowance advice and remittance.

Technical Support

What should I do if I encounter an error while using AwayPay?

If you experience a technical error with the loading of our web app, please try force closing your browser and reloading the page. If the problem persists, contact us at If the error is related to the data presented on your dashboard, please notify us ofthe error and include a screenshot if possible, so we can work on improving our platform.

How do I contact AwayPay support?

You can reach us at with any issues or queries, and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

How do I reset my password?

If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. If you're already logged in and wish to change your password, please log out first by navigating to your profile page and clicking the log out button. This will redirect you to the login page where you can find the "Forgot Password" link.

Privacy and Security

How does AwayPay protect my personal information?

All personal data is secured using industry best practices and is only used for providing our services to you. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.

Can I delete my AwayPay account?

Yes, if you wish to delete your account, please first remove our email address from either WebCIS or RosterSMS settings and then email us at to notify us that you would like your account deleted.

What data does AwayPay collect?

We only collect data necessary to provide our services to you. Please refer to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more details.


Why is my roster not updating?

Ensure that you have correctly configuredyour settings as per our setup guide. Our system relies on Qantas forwarding updates of your roster to our email servers. From time to time, this may not happen. If you believe a roster change or new roster has not been pushed to AwayPay, please log in to WebCIS, navigate to the "Send My Roster"section, and manually push your roster by selecting the relevant roster from the Bid Period dropdown and clicking "Send Roster" to If the issue persists, please contact us at

Why am I receiving emails from AwayPay notifying me of a change to my roster when there is no change?

Every time there is a change to your roster, and sometimes when crewing are simply viewing your roster, WebCIS will send a new roster to our system to update your details as necessary. This can result in notifications even when there are no significant changes to your roster.

What should I do if I can't log into my account?

First, verify that you are using the correct login credentials. If you still cannot log in, try resetting your password using the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. If the problem continues, contact us at

How do I report a bug or issue with the platform?

To report a bug or issue, please contact us at with a detailed description of the problem. If possible, include screenshots to help us understand and resolve the issue more efficiently.

Setup is Easy

  1. Sign Up for AwayPay
  2. Activate Your Account
  3. Import Your Roster
View Setup Guide